cmCrystal Display is north america distributor of Crystal Mesh Display System DAEHAN C&D from South Korea.


DAEHAN Ultravision leading light-emitting diode (LED) manufacturer company, invented Transparent Crystal Mesh Display which has up to 78% transparency and can be installed any place you want. It’s  an innovative, transparent, large-scale video screen, and also this is next generation of LED display solution.

The Crystal Mesh Display is thin and very light-weight system, so the architectural structure don’t need to change in order to fit Crystal Mesh Display. CMD uses open-case for air cooling and has zero noise because there is no fan operated.

LEDs can emit light of an intended color without using any color filters as traditional lighting methods need. This is more efficient and can lower initial costs. LEDs can have a relatively long useful life

Crystal Mesh Display has an eye-catching unique displaying effect. Since it is 78% transparent, LED display will look like floating TV on the wall.

This is your own billboard that can be placed anywhere without spending expensive cost of monthly billboard advertisement.


Where do you need?

The demand for Crystal Mesh Display is felt immensely in the advertising realm, which is more dynamic with endless possibilities.

Crystal Mesh Display has a wide application in various segments of the society, which include shopping malls, finance institutions, education industries, subways, hotels, bus stations, restaurants, chain-shops, retail shops, etc.

Cost effective and energy efficiency Transparent LED is suitable in any small or big retail stores, franchises for advertisement without sacrificing blocking glass window.

Crystal Mesh Display cost only 1/3 of LED Display Board.

Why Crystal Mesh Display?

There are many retail stores who put TVs or Paper-type Posters on their windows for advertisement which are hard to watch in daylight and has zero transparency because they block out windows.

Crystal Mesh Display can be installed behind the glass windows and amazingly integrated with the any type of glass windows.

Better yet, it stays visible in bright sunlight while it still has a transparent, open and see through viewing experience from both inside and outside.

Crystal Mesh Display is light-weight and super thin design which saves time and costs in assembling ,disassembling, maintenance and transportation


Crystal Mesh Display Close up Video



transparent moduleMain Controller
Size W1200 X H640 mm
Pixel Pitch Horizontal : 18.75mm / Vertical : 9.375mm
Pixels W64 X H64 = 40966 Dots
Installation Indoor Type
Brightness(MAX) 3000 nit(cd/m2)
Brightness Control 64 Level Energy Saving Control
Representation Of the Color 281 Trillion
Refresh Rate >240 Hz
Operating Voltage DC 5V / 80A
Power(Max) 630W
Power(Average) 304W
LED Type SMD Type
Viewing angle Horizontal 120° / Vertical 120°
Operating Temperature -30 ~ +60°

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