Crystal Mesh Live Portfolio

Benefits of Crystal Mesh Display LED?


Our mission is to provide 78 percent up to 100 percent  transparency solution for advertising and branding.

transparent led case


Heat Dissipation is the issue on any LED modules. Crystal Display solved without fan and also it is thinner than ever.

transparent led light weight

Light Weight LED

In order to place the advertisement anywhere you want, we provide light weight LED solutions for easy placement.

transparent led pixel

Color Uniformity

For right communication with consumers, LED pixel quality matters. It is smaller, lighter and high resolution than ever.

transparent led cost effective

Cost Effective

This is your own billboard, no extra lease fee and for your own advertising on your site with unique solutions we provide.

transparentl led energy efficency

Energy Efficiency

Would you still use highly dangerous gas contained vampire NEON signs? Do not be afraid of the bill anymore with LED.

Crystal Display Live Portfolio